10 Pro-Life Prayers for Christians
Sometimes it is easy to pray and sometimes it is hard to pray. When it is hard to pray, you may find these prayers to help find the right words to say. Don't forget the power of prayer. According to Matthew 21:22, “Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Pro-life prayer connects us with our best defense against the evil of abortion, which is the Heavenly Father. Below are a few categories of pro-life prayers for any issue that has been placed on your heart. Or you may pray over all of them if you feel led. Together with God, we will see the end of abortion in this generation.
Download a printable version of all 10 of these pro-life prayers here (PDF).
Pro-Life Prayers for Women and Children
Prayer for Choosing Life
Lord, we thank You that You give us free will. You allow us to freely choose You every day. We understand that this is a great responsibility we must use wisely. God, help women to choose life! You came to give all of us abundant life (John 10:10), And to cut a life short is an abomination to You (Prov. 6:16). Help all expecting mothers to understand that while we may have the choice, We do not have the power to change the consequences. Only You know what their future holds, But we know it is one of prosperity and joy (Jer. 29:11)! Lord, we want to save all children from the danger of abortion. We choose life today, And we pray that all women will do so! Give us individuals who choose life. Give us families who choose life. Give us a nation that chooses life. And give us a world that chooses life! We pray this is Christ’s name, Amen.Healing from Past Abortions
Lord of Peace, Thank You for loving me. Thank You for looking past my sin and seeing the clean heart You gave me. I know that nothing can separate me from Your love (Romans 8:35-39). Thank You for Your forgiveness, Which is more generous than any human being can offer. I know You have removed all of my offenses (Psalm 103:12). Thank You for helping me to know I am not my abortion. I find my identity in You. I am Your daughter, loved and redeemed, Whom Your Son died and resurrected for (1 John 2:2). Save me, please, from the voice of guilt and shame. Instead, lift me up in Your name. Give me peace and grace which can only be found in You, Lord. Amen.Prayer for Children Born Into Tough Situations
Eternal Father, bless the mothers who choose to bring their children into the world, Even when they themselves are in hard times. Thank You that they recognize their child is created in Your image (Gen. 1:27), And that You have a plan for their lives (Jer. 1:5). Bring these families peace when they face hardships of any kind. Remind them to find encouragement in You, As you have already overcome the world (John 16:33). We pray that they feel secure in Your promise. Holy Spirit of God, protect these children. Leave them not needing for anything, As You promised in Matthew 6. Clothe them, feed them, and bless them. We pray that these children grow up to love You. Guide their paths so that they follow Your will. Help them to achieve great things in Your name for the glory of God. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.Pro-Life Prayers to Heal Our Nation
Prayer for the Stop of Misinformation
Father God, we know there are many out there who want to take down Your Kingdom. The devil is the father of lies (John 8:44), And as the ruler of the earthly realm (Matt. 4:8-9), he tries to silence the truth. His misinformation is being preached as truth, When it is far from it. Just as the devil is the father of lies, You are truth (John 14:6). We pray that You crush him under Your heel. Silence his lies! We want to help you, Lord God, and the life campaign. We make it our mission to help stop the spread of misinformation and to do pro-life work. You are where my help comes from (Psalm 121:2). Give us the strength to bring the gospel of life to all people. In God’s powerful name, Amen.Want to Learn More About Misinformation?
Check out our pro-life myths article:Prayer for Government
O Lord God, We know that when Your son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross, He paid the ultimate price for our sins. We no longer live in bondage, But rather we have freedom in Your name (Gal. 5:1). We, the Christian community, pray today for the freedom of those who can’t fight for themselves. The ones in the womb who have had their right to life stripped away, Unjustly, by those who are in positions of power in this country. Lord, please touch the hearts of all those in agencies of government. Give to the Supreme Court and judges the right judgment they need, So that they may make decisions to protect Your people rather than destroy them. May they choose to support a culture of life rather than a culture of death. Grant to governors, legislators and heads of states the need for righteous justice from You, That they will want to enact policies that will save the preborn and all people till natural death. It is only in Your name that change will be made. And we pray that we ourselves, as faithful citizens, Will stand up for human life in the political and legislative arenas. Give us the strength to speak up for Your most vulnerable children By voting in pro-life public officials. We pray this in Christ’s name, Amen.Prayer for God’s Truth to be Known
Father, we pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten all who are deceived by the sin of abortion. Change the minds and hearts of all who say they are “pro-choice.” Allow the people of our time to see abortion for what it truly is: Violent and evil. Let the Spirit come to every abortionist and clinic worker. Set them free from the lie that they are helping women, And let them instead see that abortion is destroying women and their children. May they feel an overwhelming need to step away from what they’re doing and find better jobs (1). Change every supporter of Planned Parenthood and of abortion into a supporter for life! Lord, only through the power of Your Spirit can we break the power of denial, And send far away the spirit of deception (Eph. 5:6). Bind the belief that a baby in the womb isn’t really a baby, Or that abortion isn’t really killing. May falsehood flee in the presence of Your truth. Set our whole world free from the lie, the sin, the darkness of abortion. And as Your Spirit convicts the world of sin, So let repentance, forgiveness, righteousness and healing fill the land. Amen! Adapted from Fr. Frank Pavone’s prayer (2).Prayer for Compassion
Father God, we know there will always be those who disagree with you. We too were blinded by selfishness and human desires before you rescued us from the darkness. God, we pray that you give us compassion for these people we disagree with. You instruct us to clothe ourselves with kindness, patience and gentleness (Col. 3:12). Human anger does not produce the righteousness that You desire (James 1:20). Give us the kindness to speak with love to those against us. Give us the patience to understand their hearts. Give us the gentleness to avoid being harsh against them. Together we know that being pro-life means every human being is made in the image of God, And that applies to those with pro-choice views. Let us see them as You see them: love of God. Worthy of compassion. Give us wisdom, as well, to avoid the anger and rage of petty social media wars. Remind us that there is a time to speak and a time to be silent (Ecc. 3:7). Being aggressive is not the best way to support the cause of life. You have said we must make sure our enemies never go hungry or thirsty (Matt. 5:44). If this is true, then how much more should we talk to them in love? Help us to remember that we must love as You love and speak as You speak. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.Prayers for the Pro-Life Movement
Prayer for Favor with Big Tech
Dear Lord, In today’s world, many companies hold large power over our freedom of speech. They try to silence or manipulate what we can and cannot say. We pray that You touch the hearts of those in control of these large industries. We pray that Facebook, Google, and many others fear Your wrath, And stop censoring the words of those who speak the truth. Many want to block out the life-saving power of abortion pill reversal, Or silence pregnancy resource centers from advertising. Place a protecting hand on those who want to fight for preborn rights, The most vulnerable of Your Kingdom. Protect them from social media companies that seek to hide the truth, And from government leaders who try to manipulate them. We pray this in Your name, Amen.Prayer for Pregnancy Resource Centers
Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for the pregnancy resource centers (PRC) all across America and the world. May you guide those who are seeking an abortion facility to find a PRC, And allow their hearts to be receptive so they may hear the truth about life in the womb. We pray that all who enter the doors of PRCs choose life. Give those who work in these centers wisdom and grace, So that they can treat the women who visit in a way that honors You and shows Your love. During such wicked and violent times, We also pray for the protection of all sidewalk counselors, staff, and volunteers. Use Your mighty hand to protect the facilities themselves. Put a stop to anyone who may want to harm the PRCs, And bless them with financial protection, so that they will never need to close their doors. May Your name be glorified with everything that the pregnancy resource centers and other pro-life organizations do because it is Your love that empowers them. May the way they bless their communities bless You, the Lamb of God. Amen.Want to Help Us?
Sign up to volunteer at Options for Women Menomonie.Prayer for the End of Abortion
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for the gifts of life, liberty, and freedom in this great nation. However, many want to take away these rights for the preborn. I ask that You protect those unborn children from the brutal practice of abortion. Shine the light of love and support upon the mothers who are struggling, Who believe abortion to be the only way. We know that the only way we will see an end to this abomination is through love, So we ask that You wrap Your love around these mothers. Help them see the beauty and power of choosing life over death. Among us ask that You provide wisdom and guidance to those in power, They may decide to no longer be passive in allowing abortion to continue. The abortion industry has had control for too long, Preying on young women and creating a culture of death. In You, we find life and life abundantly. Help expecting mothers and people in government to choose Your precious gift of life over death. Please, O God, help us to end abortion once and for all. In the Name of Christ, we pray, Amen.The Power of Pro-Life Prayers
We hope that you use these pro-life prayers next time you bow your head to speak to the Father. While these can be prayed alone, we encourage you to pray them with your family or at your next Bible study. Matthew 18:20 says that where two or three are gathered in God’s name, He is there! There truly is power in numbers. While prayer is our most powerful tool, there are always ways you can help us at Options for Women Menomonie. Check out our website for volunteer opportunities with flexible schedules. We even have a prayer team!Sources:
- And Then There Were None. (2021, November 17). And Then There Were None. abortionworker.com. Retrieved August 20, 2022, from https://abortionworker.com/
- Pavone, F., Holy Spirit, Break the Power of Denial and Despair. Priests For Life. Retrieved August 20, 2022, from https://www.priestsforlife.org/prayers/break-power-denial-despair.aspx